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Valentano (VT), Italy

Type Bank Office
Building Area 110 sqm
Status Realized

BANCA TEMA is a company capable of overseeing in a widespread the entire territorial area, keeping caracteristics of a local bank. The definition of a new concept and the project was conceived from the values and the identity of the banks group and of its region.
Simplicity, transparency and hospitality are the principles that the intervention want to emphasize.
The territory in which the bank operates, is the starting point to create a new stronger image of Banca TEMA; the colors of the landscape are found in the details and in the architectural elements of the project. The green color of the woods furthermore characterizes the profiles of the internal glass walls and of the furniture elements; the warm tones of the woods furthermore characterizes the profiles of the internal glass walls and of the furniture elements; the warm tones of the wood define the pavement surface recalling the colors of beach sands while the wavy light-blue of the walls becomes the background of the offices.


Client – Banca TEMA BCC

Contractors – EDILCOOP Società Cooperativa

Photography – Margherita Caldi Inchingolo